Peasant Market 2022 Update

By Linda Horn

Time to Think about Intake!

As those shivers of excitement ripple through your body at the thought of Peasant Market, it is time to think about intake of items. Similar to last year, we will spread out the weeks and days since few are using the building at this time.  We will start slow with two days a week and build to four days the last week.  The week before Peasant Market (July 3-8) we will not have intake and give booth chairs time to breathe! Peasant Market is July 9 from 9am to 1pm.

Remember, we only take gently used, clean, working items.  No books, no clothes, no exercise equipment or old computer stuff.  We do take things like kitchen items, linens, toys, garden stuff and plants, services you might donate…and many other things! We will not advertise in the paper but may if we need to.  Feel free to let your friends and neighbors know.

Please bring your treasures down during the intake times and not when no one is here. Please also sign up on the back table (or email Linda Horn) to help at intake.  Helping at intakes means schlepping stuff from cars and looking through it to check if we really take it.


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