Senior Warden’s Report: May 2022

By Beth Stanway

Beth Stanway

Spring has finally arrived! The vestry has been busy with the Holy Cow survey, the results of which will help to set vestry goals for the next year. We felt that we needed to touch base after a very long COVID year (again!) and this will be one tool to help us. We’ve also had to make decisions about worship and COVID protocols - again. Really hoping and praying that we are through the worst. Coffee hour outside seems to be a reality soon. How I long to bake cookies for you all!

One thing that I’ve realized in the past year, when a lot of us were online, is that some things have happened that folks don’t know about. One of those things is our new piano. Tom Turley generously donated his Steinway to St Stephen’s. Not only is it beautiful to look at, but it sounds amazing. I wasn’t part of its arrival, I can only imagine the logistics of getting it into the church! But it’s here and it’s a wonderful addition to the worship space. Thank you so much Tom!


Ukraine Concert Photos


Guatemala Youth Initiative