The Search for a New Choir Director

By Paul Olsson, Priest-in-Charge

Fred DeHaven

I’m pleased to announce that the search for a new Choir Director has come to an end, and a wonderful candidate has been selected to lead our music program. As of March 8, our own Fred DeHaven transitions from Interim Choir Director to Choir Director at St. Stephen’s. Fred graciously stepped in this past fall to fill the gap while our search was underway. He’s done remarkable work over the past six months gathering veteran and new choir members to restore choral music in our worship. His years of experience, his knowledge of the Anglican church music tradition and his dedication to the role have been impressive from the start.

As a fellow parishioner, most of you may think you know Fred well. In his 35-year career, Fred has done some pretty amazing things. He studied music at Oberlin and the University of Michigan before receiving his master’s degree from Julliard. He’s held Organist-Choirmaster positions in prominent Episcopal churches in Connecticut and Michigan, and conducted a number of community chorales over the years. Fred brings this wealth of experience with him to his new ministry role at St. Stephen’s, and both our choir and I are blessed to have him onboard.

Fred has agreed to serve for this choir season and for the 2022-2023 choir season until Pentecost 2023. Please join with me in welcoming him into this new role.


Junior Warden’s Report: March 2022


Senior Warden’s Report: March 2022