Letter from the Editor - July 2021

This month St. Stephen’s opened its doors again and welcomed parishioners back to the pews for the first time in over a year. Unfortunately, myself and my family was not able to join you (unvaccinated children), but I can imagine the joy of return everyone experienced to see smiling faces in the pews again after so long away.

Where I’m from we like to say we “going talk story” with our friends. We might “talk story” at any time, and it’s usually spontaneous, unplanned and often in inconvenient places like supermarket aisles, parking lots, or sidewalks. Leaning against cars or squatting in the shade, taking time to share our stories and lives with each other. We share the words of conversation, but we also share the stuff words can’t say, and you can’t see through a screen. When we’re done, often we’re late to an appointment, but happy and refreshed like plants watered after a long drought.

Coming back to the pews of St. Stephen’s, along with an opportunity to worship together, is a long awaited time to “talk story” again with old friends and new friends, building the spirit of community and caring in a Parish of God’s people.

-Alexis Perkins



Tulsa Race Massacre


Picturing the Word - July 2021