Senior Warden Report

January 2021 and Annual Report 2020

by Mike Davis

It is now possible to say that we are beneficiaries of an embarrassment of riches as Americans, and as St. Stephen’s parishioners. In spite of the ugliness of January 6, the (not so peaceful) transition of power in our country is nearing completion, and the national legislative landscape has changed dramatically as well.

As parishioners, we are enjoying the leadership of our new Priest-in-Charge Paul Olsson, a successful transition to remote worship, almost entirely successful navigation of the COVID-19 risk, near completion of the rail project, and so much more. It’s hard to overstate what we’ve been through as a group, but for an organization reliant on a few capable staff and many dedicated volunteers to ‘keep the wheels on the wagon’, we have done much more than that; we are in great shape financially, individually, and – most important – spiritually. For this we are thankful.

January has been mostly about supporting Paul in his rapid transition as leader of our parish, preparing for a remote Annual Meeting, and doing the things the calendar says we should do. Paul is a quick study as far as getting familiar with ‘us’; he seems equally comfortable with detail and big picture; and his spiritual presence fits well with the needs we have as Christians. He has a welcome talent for streamlining and clarifying issues and processes, and – without shortchanging any steps – gets things done right. Our Annual Meeting will be somewhat abbreviated by the constraints of remote gathering, but we will do all the things necessary to maintain the rhythm of our church life. Please do stay after the service on the 17 th and join the Annual Meeting.

As for the future, there is little that can hold us back. Our energy is considerable, our talents broad and deep, and our fellowship is strong. We need only to follow the Spirit and seek to understand God’s will for us. As we clarify and engage Mutual Ministry as a framework for our corporate mission and focus, we can become an even greater force for good in our community and world. If you’ve been thinking about how you might engage more deeply in the work of our parish, now is a great time to raise your hand and say ‘what can I do to help?’

We have answers for that.

Happy New Year, and God bless all of us



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